
Regulation of network industries

Governments have increasingly relied on independent economic regulation of network industries to allow private sector participation, or improve the efficiency of state owned enterprises. Firecone brings an understanding of regulatory design across a range of network industries, and of the role and functions of different regulatory institutions.

Assignments include:

Electricity transmission: in 2003 we advised the Ministerial Council on Energy on the institutional and regulatory framework for electricity transmission. Our recommendations were largely reflected in the Ministerial communiqué of December 2003, and have formed the basis of significant changes in the sector. We have since worked for the AEMC on market design for congestion in the NEM, and for the AER on network regulation

Water regulation: Firecone worked with the Government of Victoria to developed its white paper on the introduction of independent economic regulation for the water sector. We have since worked on governance frameworks and protocols consistent with that framework.

Regulatory Framework in New Zealand: Firecone advised a consortium of electricity industry members on the strengths and weaknesses of the recently revised regulatory framework. 

Funding the New Zealand telecommunications universal service obligation: Firecone advised the Commerce Commission on how to best estimate the cost to the incumbent carrier of providing the services required under the updated universal service obligation.